Here Is The #NEWWORLDORDER Pledge of Allegiance?...#NWO …
#LisaHaven thoughts on this site and Info:#NWO Website Makes a Chilling Confession About the #UnitedNations A Disastrous Page Turner
A Bill of Particulars:
Why the U.N. (#UnitedNations) Must Be Replaced
More here... …
Here's a Diagram of World Government Under The Constitution For The Federation How World #Government Works. #NWO
Part of the Diagram of World Government (New World Order) Under The Constitution. #DISARMAMENT AND MORE...
About Cities, Towns, Communities for World Federation
Association of Cities, Towns, Communities for World Federation
People The New World Order has already been implemented, has been for a very long time.
Now they has yet to be successful at their #NWO, they will become successful once they've disarmed us (read the fine print above). This is why they are pushing the strict gun laws, and creating false flag attacks. They will continue to strict the gun laws until we aren't allowed to carry them, period.
Don't be foolish to let this happen , this is the trick of the enemy do not fall for this. They are the enemy, all of these so called terrorist attacks, their doings. Made up by the so called leaders, this is a part of their agenda-plan. What the government and leaders really want is to keep the people in fear, so the people can turn to them for peace and security. Once the people need them that's when they will say, " well the only way we can provide you with peace and security-protection, we have to disarm all civilians. " This is when they will be successful with their New World Order. The police would be the only ones allowed to carry guns. You are aware of the police brutality and murder that's been going on for sometime now, all the killings (without any justice), the shoot first ask questions later, extermination drill. You see how controlling these people are already, no privacy (all in our personal life), surveillance us, they've taken away our rights, taken everything we own (property, businesses,etc., they even trying to be the parents of our children, and forcing us to do certain things. Let's not forget how they are poisoning our water supply, poisoning our food-soil, making our children be injected with deadly vaccines (in certain states), they are spraying us with chemical trails, and they are creating new and unleashing old viruses/diseases on us all. The leaders and government are corrupt this can't continue to happen, you people need to wake up. Just imagine once they've take away our guns {just like they've taken away our rights}, when they are already corrupt now ( woo, they will kill and enslave everyone) there's no way of defending you and your family against these evil corrupt people without guns. Just take heed to this and don't continue to be deceive by these evil doers. The world leaders and government (they're one and the same) are not to be trusted, they are the devil. The bible already stated whom and what these beings are that's leading the nations and deceiving the world in Revelation 12:9... " And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. "