Fake Meat: The Meat Glue Secret
You're probably well aware that it's typically cheaper to buy a loaf of bread than a pound of broccoli or even a pound of ground beef than a similar amount of green peppers. And most people also realize that they can get a value meal at numerous fast-food restaurants for far less money than it takes to purchase foods to make a healthy meal, such as organic chicken and fresh veggies, for their family.
Perhaps this disparity has struck you as odd. After all, what makes vegetables more expensive than bread or meat? It's clearly nothing inherent to their growing requirements.
Not at all.
Instead, it's the direct result of government food subsidies, which favor the very foods you should eat less of if you want to stay healthy.
The Government is Subsidizing a Fast-Food, Illness-Causing Diet
As you can see in the list above, the U.S. food subsidies are grossly skewed, creating a diet excessively high in grains, sugars, and factory-farmed meats. Notice the omission of vegetables or healthy fats from nuts and seeds. Is it a coincidence that the number one source of calories in the United States, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in soda, is made from the most heavily subsidized crop -- corn?
I think not.
HFCS is pervasive and in many processed food items you would never expect, including diet foods and 'enhanced' water products. Even most infant formulas contain the sugar equivalent of one can of Coca-Cola! But you see, U.S. farmers are growing an obscene amount of corn -- 13 billion bushels on more than 80 million farmland acres -- and industry has found a way to make use of it.
Of course, they are not growing all of this corn because Americans can't get enough corn on the cob … they are growing it because the government pays them to, to the tune of more than $77 billion a year to produce corn as a raw material that can be processed into "food." You could not eat most of the GMO corn that is grown in this country unless it is processed at the factory into something that tastes better.
Government subsidies have also allowed corn to become a staple in many foods and animal feeds.
Why would a farmer choose to plant lettuce or Swiss chard when the government will essentially "insure" their corn crops, paying them back if the market prices fall below a set floor price? Likewise with wheat and soybeans, the second and third most heavily subsidized crops, respectively.
Most of them wouldn't … and that's why the U.S. diet is so heavily loaded with foods based on the surplus, nutritionally devoid crops of corn, wheat and soy. One of the effects of the farm bill is to create a negative feedback loop that perpetuates the highly profitable standard American diet.
Unfortunately, the government is showing no signs of subsidizing vegetables the way they do corn, grain and pasteurized milk. This is most like a result of the Department of Agriculture's deep alignment with agri-business. Current legislations protect the profits of these large industries at the expense of public health. This may surprise you, but the agriculture lobby is more powerful than even the pharmaceutical industry! As if this isn't all frustrating enough, most of the subsidies are going to mega-farms that are making more money than most Americans even dream of
Why Americans Can't Afford to Eat Healthy
These junk-food subsidies make it much cheaper to buy a burger, fries and soda from a fast-food restaurant than it is to buy grass-fed beef and veggies. It's not that these foods necessarily cost more to grow or produce but is that the prices for the junk foods are being artificially reduced by the government and they are not good for us.As David Sirota wrote on Salon.com:" … lawmakers whose campaigns are underwritten by agribusinesses have used billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize those agribusinesses' specific commodities (corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.) that are the key ingredients of unhealthy food. Not surprisingly, the subsidies have manufactured a price inequality that helps junk food undersell nutritious-but-unsubsidized foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.The end result is that recession-battered consumers are increasingly forced by economic circumstance to "choose" the lower-priced junk food that their taxes support."A classic video on the U.S. government's fatally flawed agricultural subsidy programs, and how they affect your nutritional choices and health, is "How to Get Fat Without Really Trying" with Peter Jennings. Although it's several years old and Peter has long since died, the video still speaks the truth because virtually nothing has changed. If anything, the situation has actually worsened.
Sadly, in many parts of the United States the small farmers who once prided themselves on supplying wholesome foods to neighboring towns have long since closed their doors, replaced by giant CAFOs -- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations -- and expansive fields of genetically modified corn, soy, cotton and canola.
Tips for Eating a Non-Subsidized Diet at "Subsidized" Prices
It may be tempting to buy the cheap foods that the government is "paying you" to eat … but this choice will come back to haunt you in the form of health problems and increased medical bills later on. This is one of the classic prevention choices. Either you pay now for higher quality whole organic foods, or you pay later in radically decreased quality of life and increased medical bills. Remember the average adult is on ten prescription drugs per year and that well over 100,000 people die every year in the U.S. from properly prescribed and administered drugs.The easiest way to break free of this trap through your diet is by focusing on WHOLE, unadulterated foods, meaning foods that have not been processed or altered from their original state. I've compiled many tips on how to do this without breaking the bank in these past articles:
- 14 Ways to Save Money on Groceries
- Save Hundreds if Not Thousands of Dollars on Food This Year…
- 5 Ways to Afford Whole Foods on a Budget
If you want to optimize your health, you simply must return to the basics of healthy food choices like those described in my nutrition plan. This is why I strongly encourage you to support small family farms in your area. You'll receive nutritious food from a source you can trust, and you'll not only be supporting the health of your own family but the health of your entire community. Remember, these are most likely the farms that are not receiving any help from government subsidies, so they need your business most.Try as they may, industry lobbyists still cannot force you to buy subsidized junk foods and foods raised in unhealthy "agribusiness" conditions. The choice is entirely yours, and consumer demand will always win eventually, so the more you demand healthy, unadulterated foods, the more they must produce, one way or another.
Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 1 of 2
This video examines the truth about our Nation's food supply. The food we buy today is the product of a business who's more concerned about their own profits than their customers health and the government regulators are looking out for the interests of the businesses rather than the American people's well being. The complete script for this video, as well as all the links to the articles, websites and videos in this presentation are available here: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/jeffben...
PT 1
This video examines the truth about our Nation's food supply. The food we buy today is the product of a business who's more concerned about their own profits than their customers health and the government regulators are looking out for the interests of the businesses rather than the American people's well being. The complete script for this video, as well as all the links to the articles, websites and videos in this presentation are available here: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/jeffben...
PT 2
The Miami Herald wrote on June 23rd 2011, chemically treated produce, highly processed foods, and refined ingredients like white flour and sugar cause sickness and disease as well as a host of minor ailments such as digestive issues and lack of energy.
The Herald Sun wrote on June 24th 2011, The New England Journal of Medicine published research that advised weight-watchers to cut out sugar-sweetened drinks, potatoes and refined grain foods such as white bread, white rice and low-fibre cereals. They urged people to eat more "natural" foods, such as
On June 19, 1999 The Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, which is used to strengthen bread dough. They charged that the FDA has known for years that bromate causes cancers in laboratory animals, but has failed to ban it.
The most common pesticide found in flour, 49% of all flour tested, is Malathion, believed to be a possible carcinogen, Neurotoxin and Hormone disruptor.
On January 28th, 2009 the Washington Post reported, "Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury." The articles reports that "Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies. "
On July 27th, 1989 the Los Angeles Times reported, "FDA allows Genetically-Modified rBGH to Endanger Milk: FDA Ignores Evidence on Cancer Risks"
On December 7th, 2006 the Harvard University Gazette reported, "Hormones in milk can be dangerous." The article states, "The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, she said. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food. Butter, meat, eggs, milk, and cheese are implicated in higher rates of hormone-dependent cancers in general, she said. Breast cancer has been linked particularly to consumption of milk and cheese."
On Feb 11th, 2009, CBS News reported, "Link Eyed Between Beef And Cancer." In feed lots across the country, beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster, to save money. Now questions are being raised about one of the most widely-used hormones, Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle. A series of tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and Zeranol.
On March 30th, 2011 Discovery News reported, "Food Packaging Harbors Harmful Chemicals" Plastic wrappers, food cans and storage tubs deposit at least two potentially harmful chemicals into our food, confirmed a new study. By cutting out containers, people can dramatically reduce their exposures to these toxins. The chemicals -- bisphenol A, or BPA, and a phthalate called DEHP -- are known to disrupt hormonal systems in the bodies of both animals and people, leading to developmental and reproductive problems, as well as cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. And both appear in a wide variety of food packaging materials.
Because the manufacturers and the government ignore our concerns, it is going to be up to us to take charge of our nutrition and well-being.There are a few alternatives to the chemically laden foods available at your local supermarket. You can buy organic, which unfortunately because of the current economics of food production, is more expense. Or you can grow and raise your own food, which is time consuming and hard work. But you have to ask yourself, "Is it worth improving the health of my family?"
If your diet and health is important to you, you will want to these eye-opening and heart-stopping documentaries on the truth about the foods we buy and eat every day.
Food Inc. Trailer
The Herald Sun wrote on June 24th 2011, The New England Journal of Medicine published research that advised weight-watchers to cut out sugar-sweetened drinks, potatoes and refined grain foods such as white bread, white rice and low-fibre cereals. They urged people to eat more "natural" foods, such as
On June 19, 1999 The Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, which is used to strengthen bread dough. They charged that the FDA has known for years that bromate causes cancers in laboratory animals, but has failed to ban it.
The most common pesticide found in flour, 49% of all flour tested, is Malathion, believed to be a possible carcinogen, Neurotoxin and Hormone disruptor.
On January 28th, 2009 the Washington Post reported, "Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury." The articles reports that "Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies. "
On July 27th, 1989 the Los Angeles Times reported, "FDA allows Genetically-Modified rBGH to Endanger Milk: FDA Ignores Evidence on Cancer Risks"
On December 7th, 2006 the Harvard University Gazette reported, "Hormones in milk can be dangerous." The article states, "The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking" without apparent harm for 2,000 years, she said. "The milk we drink today may not be nature's perfect food. Butter, meat, eggs, milk, and cheese are implicated in higher rates of hormone-dependent cancers in general, she said. Breast cancer has been linked particularly to consumption of milk and cheese."
On Feb 11th, 2009, CBS News reported, "Link Eyed Between Beef And Cancer." In feed lots across the country, beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster, to save money. Now questions are being raised about one of the most widely-used hormones, Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle. A series of tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and Zeranol.
On March 30th, 2011 Discovery News reported, "Food Packaging Harbors Harmful Chemicals" Plastic wrappers, food cans and storage tubs deposit at least two potentially harmful chemicals into our food, confirmed a new study. By cutting out containers, people can dramatically reduce their exposures to these toxins. The chemicals -- bisphenol A, or BPA, and a phthalate called DEHP -- are known to disrupt hormonal systems in the bodies of both animals and people, leading to developmental and reproductive problems, as well as cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. And both appear in a wide variety of food packaging materials.
Because the manufacturers and the government ignore our concerns, it is going to be up to us to take charge of our nutrition and well-being.There are a few alternatives to the chemically laden foods available at your local supermarket. You can buy organic, which unfortunately because of the current economics of food production, is more expense. Or you can grow and raise your own food, which is time consuming and hard work. But you have to ask yourself, "Is it worth improving the health of my family?"
If your diet and health is important to you, you will want to these eye-opening and heart-stopping documentaries on the truth about the foods we buy and eat every day.
Food Inc. Trailer