Sunday, February 8, 2015

Media Coverage of the Bilderberg Group Adopts a Tone of Desperation


 This year’s annual Bilderberg conference is set to meet in Watford, UK. Global elite power brokers from the world of politics, finance, business and media will once again meet to discuss their agenda for the coming years and, much like the secretive Bohemian Grove gathering, many are more than a little concerned as to what exactly these powerful public figures discuss behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes and ears of the public. Unless, of course, you’re a mainstream journalist, in which case the upcoming protests focusing around the event are met with scorn and derision. Writing in The Independent, James Cusick exemplifies the media’s reaction to these protests with a typical display of unwarranted hyperbole and mockery in his article “Watch Out Watford: Here Comes the Secretive Bilderberg Group“: Quote:Whether it’s the shape-shifting group of reptilian descendants from the constellation Draco who control humanity, or the shadowy cabal of powerful financiers and politicians who covertly run all governments, conspiracy theorists are once again preparing for their annual jamboree of protest against those who really rule the world, this year in the highly secretive destination of… Watford
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