Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What's for you, are for you: Anonymous diner spreads new year cheer with enormous tips for good service

A mystery man is leaving huge tips for restaurant staff and posting the proof on his ‘Tips for Jesus’ Instagram page

A kind-hearted stranger who leaves enormous tips for good service in restaurants has struck again. The anonymous man shares photos of his good deeds on the Tips for Jesus Instagram page, which has attracted more than 85,000 followers. Grateful staff at a Taco restaurant in San Francisco received a new year surprise with a $2,000 (£1,300) tip from the impressed diner. “We've had the T4J person visit our restaurants numerous times over the course of the last few years," a staff member at Tacolicious told ABC. "We're not sure who he or she is. We are a pooled house and the staff, both front and back, is very appreciative for the generosity.”

In December, the generous tipper left an $11,000 (£7,200) bonus for staff at a bar in Arizona. The man behind the Tips for Jesus account is rumoured to be former PayPal vice-president Jack Selby, while others have speculated it could be a collective of wealthy businessmen.

While the man wishes to remain anonymous to the media, he happily chats to staff before snapping a picture of a few lucky recipients and posting it online. "When justified by great service, magnanimous gratuities are achievable by everyone, no excuses,” he previously told San Francisco magazine.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Seven Seals of Revelation Have Been Opened!

" The Seven Seals of Revelation "

The Book of Revelation was given as a mysterious, closed and sealed book. It was SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS. It is similar to the book of Daniel, which God told Daniel was sealed until the time of the end.  But if God wanted to hide this knowledge completely, He never would have revealed it in the first place. He meant for those seals to be opened. In fact, God intended this important prophetic book to be UNDERSTOOD in our time today! 

 The question is, when would those seals be opened, and what would the book reveal?
  Revelation tells us that Jesus Christ would be able to open those seals. “And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, HATH PREVAILED to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Revelation 5:4-5).

 CHRIST is the one who can show us all this revelation that has been sealed. He alone can do so. But what does it mean that He “PREVAILED to open the book”? It shows that loosing these mighty seals was not a simple matter. In order to reveal this prophecy, Christ had a titanic battle with Satan the devil, and He won. He qualified to replace Satan on his throne, and now He—and only He—is qualified to open those seals. 

 Christ has loosed those seals—but He didn’t do so in the book of Revelation itself. 

 I want to show you something Christ said that most people do not understand. We will look at one chapter of the Bible to see how that chapter alone UNSEALS THOSE SEVEN SEALS.

  Jesus delivered a pivotal prophecy—the longest single prophecy in the Bible and the most important prophecy Christ revealed when He was on this Earth. He spoke this prophecy after He had prevailed in that battle with Satan and qualified to reveal it. It is called the Olivet prophecy. It is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. I will just focus on the account in Matthew 24, and show how it looses the seals on the prophecies of Revelation. 
All prophecy, in a sense, revolves around Matthew 24. 

 In this chapter, Christ prophesied about a volcanic eruption of crises on Earth that has never been experienced—and about the birth of a new age that will come from it. Jesus Christ has prevailed and has revealed this, and we are now seeing these prophecies being fulfilled.  The seven seals form the story flow of the book of Revelation. Here is the overview: 

The first seal reveals false prophets; the second, war; the third, famine; the fourth, pestilence; the fifth, tribulation; the sixth, heavenly signs; and the seventh, seven trumpets.  If you understand those seals, they lead you step by step to the return of Jesus Christ: He returns at the last of those seven final trumpet blasts. So the Second Coming concludes those seven seals.  That makes this prophecy—even though it has a lot of bad news—the most exciting, wonderful news imaginable!  

The First Seal :

The first seal Christ opens reveals the first horseman of the apocalypse. The first four seals reveal a total of four horsemen.  “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer” (Revelation 6:1-2).  Christians usually assume this horseman is Jesus Christ because Christ also comes on a white horse. But Christ comes with a sword, not with a bow (Revelation 19:11-15). And when you see what this white horseman actually does, you realize that even though he looks like Christ, it isn’t Christ at all! This is a false Christ who has DECEIVED THE WORLD—the Christian world and the non-religious—about the prophecies of Revelation!

 Christ unseals and explains this to us in Matthew 24. “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world [or age]?” (verse 3). If you read through the chapter, you see that the main sign is the gospel being preached around the world (verse 14). Christ was saying that His true gospel message would not be preached—but then, right before the end, it would be. That commission being completed would mark the world’s entering into the very last end. 

 That was the main sign Christ gave, but there are others here. The very first thing Christ said was this: “TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (verses 4-5).  Here, then, is the meaning of the first seal in Revelation, the first horseman of the apocalypse. This is what Christ revealed: It is the white horseman of RELIGIOUS DECEPTION. This horseman proclaims a lying message about Christ.

 This false religion proclaims that Christ was the Messiah, but it is deceiving people about what He said!  This horseman comes first because he causes the most suffering by far. He is a false teacher of Christ’s message, one who “went forth conquering, and to conquer.” This deceitful ministry 

CONQUERS BY DECEIVING, and it has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). This is the deadliest of all the horsemen.  

Second, Third and Fourth Seals: 

 Here is what Revelation says about the second seal:
 “And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword” (Revelation 6:4). The second seal reveals the horseman of war.  

What did Christ say about this in the Olivet prophecy? “And ye shall hear of WARS and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6). There will be all kinds of wars from the first coming of Christ to the Second Coming—but those right at the very end before His Second Coming will be about 100 times worse than any ever on this planet! That is what Christ is telling us.  

This is the same period that the Prophet Daniel called “the time of the end”—or as the Moffatt Bible translates it, “the CRISIS AT THE CLOSE.” It is the worst crisis ever on this Earth! We ought to take note because it is already beginning to unfold before our eyes.
Look at all the countries that have nuclear bombs and are ready to detonate them. Once you start a nuclear war, you can’t really stop it.  The third seal is described in verses 5-6: “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” Seal number three reveals the horseman of famine.  “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell,” or the grave, “followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth” (verse 7). The fourth of these seven seals is the horseman of death.  

Christ’s prophecy in Matthew 24 goes on to explain these next two seals. “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places” (Matthew 24:7). 

There are the third and fourth seals:

famine and pestilence, and all the death that will result worldwide.  “All these are the beginning of sorrows,” Christ warned (verse 8).  THESE ARE THE CONDITIONS AND EVENTS JESUS CHRIST SAID TO LOOK FOR RIGHT BEFORE HIS RETURN!  The Fifth Seal  Verses 9-11 of Revelation 6 describe the next of these seven seals. This passage begins, “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them, that were slain for the word of God …” (Revelation 6:9). 

This is discussing God’s own people—people who knew God and the true gospel—being killed.  Notice how Christ describes this same prophetic event in Matthew 24:9: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” Christ aimed this directly at “you”—His own disciples. 

This is a world-shaking event!  This seal is describing the Great Tribulation, a 2½-year period of Satan’s great wrath (Revelation 12:12). This isn’t the time of the wrath of God—that one-year “Day of the Lord” comes right after the Tribulation, making a total of 3½ years of unprecedented suffering before Jesus Christ returns (Revelation 11:2-3; 13:5; Daniel 12:7).  

Why were these saints killed during the Tribulation? Several times in Scripture God promises to protect His people during that period (e.g. Revelation 12:6). Why didn’t these saints receive God’s protection?  Other scriptures reveal the answer. The last era of God’s Church before Christ returns is described in Revelation 3:14-22. 

Christ chastens it for being lukewarm and spiritually wretched. The large majority of God’s people today have fallen into that condition. That is a shameful truth. These people who have known God but turned away are not going to be protected by Him! 

God will allow them to experience the nightmares of the Tribulation because they were lukewarm and not excited about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to stop all these crises forever! God says that this is what it will take for them to turn back to Him so that He can get them into the Kingdom of God, into His Family. You can read more about this in our free book Malachi’s Message.  Those lukewarm saints are going to be killed during the Great Tribulation. But those who have known God and clung to Him—the very elect—will be protected.  “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and SHALL DECEIVE MANY” (verses 10-11). 

The Greek word translated many means that MOST of God’s own people will be deceived! That is what Christ prophesied—and that is exactly what has happened in this end time. Ninety-five percent of God’s Church has been deceived. That proves we have to work very hard not to be deceived. We can be deceived so easily.  “And because iniquity [lawlessness] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (verse 12). 

This “love” is the agape love of God, which comes from His Holy Spirit (e.g. Romans 5:5; Galatians 5:22). Only the people of God, who possess the Holy Spirit, have that love, and here Christ prophesied that this love would “wax cold” in MANY of these people! They had it but they are losing it. Why? Because of lawlessness. This is still in that fifth seal, the Great Tribulation.  The Main Sign  Now we come to the MAIN SIGN Christ gave of His Second Coming. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (verse 14). 

The true gospel, which has not been preached, will finally be preached, Christ said; then comes “the end.”  This prophecy has been fulfilled! Do you know that the true gospel of God, after being suppressed for centuries, was in fact preached around the world for a witness to all nations? Do you know who did that job? These questions are also answered in Malachi’s Message. 

 But which “end” comes after that commission is finished? It is different from the “END of the world” in verse 3, from the Greek synteleia. This is the Greek word telos. Thayer’s Lexicon explains that the context has to tell you what “end” it is. This is speaking of the END of the gospel being preached around the world—AFTER WHICH we will enter into the time when all of these terrible events of Matthew 24 will unfold. This is the “last end” spoken of in Daniel 8:19.  

Christ has unsealed this for us. WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND IT!  What did He say would happen next? “When ye therefore shall see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)” (Matthew 24:15). What is this? Luke 21:20 describes this “abomination” as “JERUSALEM COMPASSED WITH ARMIES.” Other prophecies show that these armies belong to a reconstituted Holy Roman Empire in Europe!

 They also reveal that this “abomination that maketh desolate” (Daniel 12:11) will rise up just before the modern-day nations of Israel—which include the United States and Britain—COLLAPSE!  That might have seemed far off when Herbert W. Armstrong first prophesied about Matthew 24, but now we can see it happening!  The verses that follow are about the faithful people of God fleeing destruction—fleeing to a place of protection that God will provide. 

This is more proof that God will in fact protect some.  And here is what He will protect them from: “For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should NO FLESH BE SAVED: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:21-22).  

This is Christ’s prophecy of HORRORS UNPRECEDENTED IN HUMAN HISTORY—besieging the world right at the end. He said that unless He intervened, mankind would wipe itself completely off the face of the Earth!  After World War I, Winston Churchill said, “Mankind has never been in this position before. 
… Without having improved appreciably in virtue or enjoying wiser guidance, it has got into its hands for the first time the tools by which it can unfailingly accomplish its own extermination.” 
 Since that time, we have developed chemical and biological weapons. We can exterminate ourselves MANY TIMES OVER! 
The number one problem we face is human extermination! That has never been possible in history until very recent times.  WE ARE NOW IN EXACTLY THE POSITION JESUS CHRIST PROPHESIED ABOUT IN REVELATION AND MATTHEW 24!

 This is the crisis at the close! More people should see that. More ministers should be talking about that. There is no excuse: There are prophecies throughout the Bible that tell us that—over a hundred of them!  The end of all things is “AT THE DOORS” (verses 32-33).  In verse 41 we again see God’s Church divided between those who cling to Him and do His work, and those who are lukewarm. Both churches are in the field, working away, but only one of them is going to be taken and protected—and the other is going to be left. 

Ninety-five percent of God’s people are not going to be protected. But because they don’t look to Christ’s prophecies, they won’t realize it. All these horrors are going to spring on them like a steel trap!  In Luke 21:34-36, Jesus warned that you had better watch for these prophecies. Watch world news, but also watch your own spiritual life so you don’t fail to see what is happening.  The Sixth and Seventh Seals  The sixth seal reveals mighty heavenly signs: “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind” (Revelation 6:12-13). 

These signs are an indication of the fearsome things about to come next.  Christ explains this sixth seal in Matthew 24:29: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days [which was the fifth seal] shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” 

Those are the same heavenly signs. You can also read them prophesied in Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.” This confirms that these signs mark the end of the Tribulation—the 2½ years of Satan’s wrath—and signal the beginning of the Day of the Lord—the year of God’s wrath. 

 These are world-shaking events. And just as Jesus’s other prophecies have come to pass, so too will these!  Revelation 6:17 introduces the seventh seal: “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” That seventh seal is spoken of in Revelation 8 and 9. It consists of those seven trumpets.  Here is where Christ explained the seventh seal: “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matthew 24:31). 

That seventh seal includes seven trumpet plagues that God pours out on mankind.  There are only a handful of scriptures about the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24 and Revelation, but there are over 30 about the Day of the Lord, which is the day of God’s wrath on this Earth. Joel says the Day of the Lord is at hand, as destruction from the Almighty. God is sick of mankind’s sin and lawlessness, which plunges us into the greatest crisis ever. The world has never seen anything like the wrath of God that it is about to see!  Yet sadly, throughout these plagues, mankind will refuse to repent.  How does all this end? At the last trumpet, Jesus Christ Himself is going to return to this Earth! “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord …” (Revelation 11:15). 

Jesus Christ is about to take over this world in crisis, rule it with a rod of iron and bring peace, joy, happiness and success to everybody on Earth. That is the kind of prosperity mankind really wants, but has never been able to achieve.  If you are willing to look into God’s Word with an open mind, you will see that all Christ talked about 2,000 years ago is coming to pass—the bad news and the good! ▪

THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THIS! THEY SAY SHE'S NUTS! BUT DO YOU?: Woman Confesses To Brutally Stabbing Her Mother Due To Satanic Curses

Tennessee woman Katie Nichols stunned local news reporters covering a stabbing when she confessed to having committed the crime to cameras, claiming her mother was the leader of a satanic cult.  Scroll down for the video  "The satanic cult in this city has been casting satanic spells on me for three, four days. I'm exhausted. I came home and found out my mom was the ringleader and was trying to kill my daughter," Nichols calmly told a WVLT reporter after returning to the scene of the crime.  "I had to kill her - she was going to kill both of us. She was so powerful, I had no idea - I had no idea that my mother was that powerful"  she added.  Nichols was arrested shortly after the confession, while the victim remains in intensive care.

 The woman expressed regret that she had not managed to kill her mother, insinuating that her being the 'Antichrist' saved her from the wounds.  "When I left, she was still breathing," Nichols told the startled reporter. "I stabbed her three times and she should have died. She was still breathing. I don't know what happened to her afterwards or where they took her, but she was the Antichrist - she did not die."  "She had symbolic representations of my death, my daughter's death, every nuclear explosion that was supposed to happen - that's not going to now. Because all of the satanic cult has been rounded up and killed now."  Nichols was reportedly moved to Knox County Jail and charged with attempted first degree murder and kidnapping.

Retired Head Of FBI Tells All "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

Theodore L. Gunderson was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI tells it all Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings and more...

Early life and FBI[edit] Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975.[5] Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

MICHAEL JACKSON'S DAUGHTER: Paris Jackson Warns the World about the Illuminati

Paris Jackson Warns the World about the Illuminati







DO YOU BELIEVE,I BELIEVE?! 3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life & Identifies His Murderer

A young boy remembers a past life "reincarnation" he had where he was murdered. The 3-year old correctly identified the spot he was buried, the village he was from, and the murderer. 
Is this proof that reincarnation is real?

THIS IS WHAT WE ALREADY EXPECTED: Autopsy Reveals Tanisha Anderson Was Restrained Face Down By Cop Who Killed Her

Tanisha Anderson’s autopsy has revealed that the officer who killed her had first physically 

restrained her, face down in a prone position, just as eyewitnesses from Anderson’s family have 
maintained from the start.  
The November 13th police homicide was made official by the Cuyahoga 
County Medical Examiner’s office announcement Friday.  The official cause of death was 
determined by coroners to be “sudden death associated with physical restraint in a prone position.”  
Office spokesman Chris Harris insultingly noted that Anderson had “heart disease,” as though this 
has anything to do with her death, caused by police slamming the 37-year-old African American 
woman’s head on the concrete, just outside of her family’s home.  Her brother explained that Tanisha Anderson was pronounced dead at Cleveland Clinic after the assault by the Ohio cops. The pronouncement came early Thursday about two hours after the police “take down” caused Anderson to bash her head on the concrete outside of her home.  
“They killed my sister,” Joell Anderson, Tanisha’s 40-year-old brother said as he fought back tears. “I watched it.”


Officers came to the house after a call from a family member who thought the police could calm the bi-polar Tanisha down, during an argument.  Police came, responding to the situation as a “disturbing the peace” call. It seemed that everyone agreed Tanisha should undergo an evaluation at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, police sources told us.  But what happened next is described very differently by police and family members.  “As the officers escorted Anderson to the police vehicle, she began actively resisting the officers,” police spokesman Sgt. Ali Pillow claimed to the local Cleveland publication, The Plain Dealer.  Tanisha changed her mind about the evaluation after police slapped cuffs on her. She believed she was within her rights to decide whether she went for a voluntary evaluation. But police, at this point, argued that it was up to them.  “The woman began to kick at officers,” Pillow said. “A short time later the woman stopped struggling and appeared to go limp. Officers found a faint pulse on the victim and immediately called EMS.”  But Tanisha’s brother Joell gives a very different account than what the police claim.  “She was more of a danger to herself than others,” he explained.  Two male officers escorted Tanesha Anderson, who was prescribed medication for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, to the police cruiser. She sat herself in the backseat but became nervous about the confined space and tried to get out, Anderson said.  As Tanisha called out for her brother and mother, an officer used a “Judo” take down move after having pressed her head down repeatedly in the backseat in what seemed to be a “smothering” manner, Joell Anderson said.  Joell says that after she hit her head on the concrete, and the officer placed his knee on her back, she never opened her eyes or spoke another word.  To add insult to injury, Joell says that his sister’s sundress was lifted above her waist, where it remained as officers refused to administer any aid to the unconscious woman. Joell says that he was forced to go over and use his own jacket to cover her naked lower body, because police would not, even when he asked them to.  “She was outgoing, silly, always joking,” Joell said of his sister. “She just wasn’t doing very well that day.”  The Cleveland Police Department tells us that their Division of Police Use of Deadly Force Investigation Team is “investigating” the case. No officers involved have been fired, reprimanded, nor placed on leave.  The Cleveland Police Department’s Use of Deadly Force Investigation Team says they are still investigating the homicide. No arrests have been made of the officers involved.  This comes on the heels of the 58-page Justice Department report that revealed the Cleveland Police Department is woefully untrained and does not have formal instruction in how to handle encounters with citizens who have mental illnesses.

Good Cop Under Fire For Speaking Out Against Racist Police Officers

A photo of one of the good guys was posted by a Pittsburgh group known as Fight Back PGH. The group Tweeted the photograph of Pittsburgh Police Chief Cameron McLay with one of the group’s banners.  The sign is causing quiet a stir, as it read: “I resolve to challenge racism @ work #EndWhiteSilence.”  Now, the Fraternal Order of Police President Howard McQuillan told local KDKA reporters that “The chief is calling us racists. He believes the Pittsburgh Police Department is racist. This has angered a lot of officers.”  But Chief McLay fired back against the allegations, saying “I was hired to restore the legitimacy of the police department. I did not seek these young activists out. I was stopping for coffee at First Night. Their message is not anti-anybody. It is simply a call for awareness. The photo was a great, spontaneous moment in time. Please join dialogue for community healing.”  But Mayor William Peduto says he still supports Chief McLay.

Contact the Mayor and thank him for supporting one of the good guys.

512 City-County Building 
414 Grant Street Pittsburgh,
 PA 15219 412-255-2626

SHARE THIS PHOTO: It's Perfectly Legal To Film The Cops

Snapping photos of police in Ferguson, Missouri, may have gotten Huffington Post reporter Ryan J. Reilly arrested Wednesday night while he was covering protests prompted by the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was shot to death by a police officer.  Reilly and Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowrey were detained and assaulted after attempting to film a swarm of police officers inside a McDonald’s. An officer slammed Reilly's head into a glass window, and Lowery was shoved into a soda fountain while wearing press credentials around his neck. Both were later released without being charged with breaking any laws.  “They essentially acted as a military force,” said Reilly, who was in the restaurant to charge his phone and computer. “It was incredible.”  In recent years, there have been countless cases of police officers ordering people to turn off their cameras, confiscating phones, and, like Reilly, arresting those who attempt to capture footage of them. Despite a common misconception, it’s actually perfectly legal to film police officers on the job.  “There are First Amendment protections for people photographing and recording in public,” Mickey Osterreicher, an attorney with the National Press Photographers Association, told The Huffington Post. According to Osterreicher, as long as you don’t get in their way, it’s perfectly legal to take photos and videos of police officers everywhere in the United States.  Help us spread the truth by sharing the image above:

This misconception is pervasive enough that the New York City Police Department circulated a memo last week reminding officers.  “Members of the public are legally allowed to record police interactions,” the memo states, according to the Daily News. “Intentional interference such as blocking or obstructing cameras or ordering the person to cease constitutes censorship and also violates the First Amendment.”  The NYPD’s reminder comes as police activity is in the national spotlight. Just two days after Michael Brown’s death, cops in Los Angeles shot to death an unarmed black man who allegedly struggled with mental illness. And three weeks ago, a New York City police officer put Eric Garner in an illegal chokehold that left him dead after gasping “I can’t breathe!” A bystander caught the entire thing on video.  Those deaths, along with the arrests of Reilly and Lowrey, have raised questions about what, if anything, individuals can do to hold the police accountable for their actions. But one unquestionable right people have is to capture officers on film.  “There’s no law anywhere in the United States that prohibits people from recording the police on the street, in a park, or any other place where the public is generally allowed,” Osterreicher said.  A number of states do bar people from recording private conversations without consent. But as long as the recording is made "openly and not surreptitiously," said Osterreicher, it's fair game. According to Osterreicher, "assuming the position of holding up a camera or phone at arm’s length while looking at the viewing screen should be enough to put someone on notice that they are being photographed or recorded."  Several high profile court cases have taken up the issue, and in each case, the judge has either struck down the law or ruled that the police can't reasonably expect privacy while out in public. In March, for example, the Illinois Supreme Court declared the state's eavesdropping law unconstitutional, saying the law criminalized the recording of conversations that "that cannot be deemed private."  So why do so many police officers still act like filming them is a crime?  “Probably because they haven’t been trained otherwise,” said Osterreicher. “I think that there are many officers that believe that the minute they tell somebody to do or not do something, that that’s an order. But police can only order somebody to do or not do something based on the law, and there is no law that says you can not record or photograph out in public.”  Graphic by Jan Diehm for The Huffington Post.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

THIS IS ALL ABOUT POPULATION CONTROL:11 horrifying truths about Ebola the government doesn't want you to know.

"The level of outbreak is beyond anything we've seen - or even imagined."  - Dr. Tom Frieden, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  The mainstream media is withholding vital information about Ebola from the public, and governments of the world remain in a state of dangerous denial.  The public isn't being told the truth about how Ebola can spread, why the medical system is utterly helpless against it, and why governments of the world are dusting off plans to quarantine entire cities at gunpoint.  This 11-part truth series from Natural News reveals crucial information the public deserves to know about Ebola... information that will never be admitted by "official sources."  Click READ MORE: to begin revealing these 11 mind-blowing truths…

"It is impossible to keep up with the sheer number of infected people pouring into facilities. In Sierra Leone, infectious bodies are rotting in the streets."  - Dr. Joanne Liu, the international president of Doctors Without Borders  The reason Ebola has exploded beyond containment in West Africa is because governments there are utterly unable to contain it.  "What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the world’s public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time."  - Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, printed in the New York Times on Sep. 11, 2014  Even with the help of western governments and the United Nations, areas that authorities once announced were "eradicated" have now flared back up with new infections.  Governments of the world are well-equipped to fight things that can be killed with bullets and bombs, but Ebola is bulletproof. No common kinetic weapons can prevent the spread of Ebola. Only nuclear warheads or fuel-air explosives can destroy Ebola over large areas.  Government emergency services such as FEMA (in the United States) can barely handle a single hurricane, much less a nationwide pandemic outbreak.  The truth you're not being told is that if an Ebola outbreak arrives in YOUR city, you are on your own. Government won't be there to save you.

In West Africa, Ebola is currently spreading through taxi cabs. [1] Infected patients enter the cab and then inadvertently contaminate surfaces such as door handles, seats and seatbelts.  Minutes or hours later, an innocent victim enters the same cab and touches those same surfaces, acquiring the Ebola virus on their own fingers and hands. If this person then touches their own eye, nose, mouth or food, they also become infected with Ebola.  Ebola can also spread through the air over short distances by riding on aerosols. One laboratory experiment proved that Ebola could spread from one group of animals to another, even though the animals were physically separated and could not touch each other.  "In 2012, a team of Canadian researchers proved that Ebola Zaire, the same virus that is causing the West Africa outbreak, could be transmitted by the respiratory route from pigs to monkeys, both of whose lungs are very similar to those of humans."  - Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, printed in the New York Times on Sep. 11, 2014  This proves that Ebola can spread through the air, yet most official sources continue to lie to the public and claim Ebola cannot spread through the air. That disinformation will actually contribute to the spread of the pandemic and may cost many lives.  It also shows how "official sources" can behave so irresponsibly in a pandemic, deliberately lying to the public in a way that may get some people killed.  "Ebola has turned survivors into human booby traps, unexploded ordinance - touch and you die."

"It is impossible to keep up with the sheer number of infected people pouring into facilities. In Sierra Leone, infectious bodies are rotting in the streets."  - Dr. Joanne Liu, the international president of Doctors Without Borders  One important thing you are not being told about Ebola is that if the pandemic takes hold in a large city (Mexico City, New York, London, etc.), it will be unstoppable and will sweep across virtually the entire human population on the planet.  The idea of "containment" of Ebola is it sweeps through a large city is nothing more than a delusional fairy tale. The high population density of modern cities guarantees a rapid spread across the city, and the existence of rapid human travel by roadways and air will ensure the explosive spread of the virus to other cities.  Governments will of course attempt to quarantine entire cities using military force, but even the front-line soldiers will become infected themselves, causing the disease to spread throughout the ranks and reducing military effectiveness. (Military forces are poorly suited to fight pandemics.)  Once a quarantine goes into effect for a large city, the city will effectively become a large-scale "death camp" of disease and desperation.  "Attempts to quarantine during the current outbreak, led by the local armies and police, have been catastrophic." READ MORE: TRUTH 4-11

This Is Ridiculous: Bill Introduced To Ban Protesters From Wearing Hoodies Or Masks.

Ever since the Occupy Wall Street movement took off and spread to cities around the world, the Guy Fawkes mask worn by Anonymous “hacktivists” has been an increasingly common sight at protests. Throughout 2014, Anons could be spotted in sizable numbers on the streets of Ferguson, Beavercreek, New York City and all over the world at anti-police brutality protests. But now, Oklahoma lawmakers have proposed a bill that would ban activists from wearing masks or even hooded sweatshirts in public spaces. The chair of the Oklahoma’s public safety committee introduced the bill, state senator Don Barrington (R), said that this would make “it unlawful to wear a mask, hood or covering during the commission of a crime or to intentionally conceal a person’s identity in a public place.” He says it is to cut down on crime, but it wouldn’t apply to Halloween, parties, State sanctioned parades or “those wearing coverings required by their religious beliefs.” It also wouldn’t apply to those who wear masks for medical purposes. So are police going to just start asking people if they have a medical or religious reason to wear a mask? Clearly, the bill is intended to apply to those who are in public space, not at a party, or trick-or-treating, who officers can identify by virtue of their participating in protests. Robbers do not typically go to and from the places they commit crimes, while wearing masks. So invoking the farce of “fighting crime” is a nonsense. Participating in protests wearing masks would be the only way that officers would know for sure that one was not wearing the mask under the aforementioned exemptions. If protesters violate this new rule, it would result in a misdemeanor charge along with a fine of $50 to $500. It could even result in imprisonment for up to one year if the courts so decided.

This isn't just about black lives that cops over powers this is about human race with police thinking they have so much authority over us:Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

A man was recently body slammed by cops who said he had no right to film the police. Now investigators are scrutinizing the incident, and so far, they seem to confirm the man’s account. It’s somewhat difficult for them to conclude anything else… since there’s a video of him recording his video. Daniel Clement, 22, was visiting Baton Rouge from Virginia for the holidays. That’s when he saw the Baton Rouge Police Department abusing a suspect. Clement whipped out his cell phone and started recording. The surveillance video from the Varsity Theater, captured almost all of the incident, unbeknownst to the officers. 
Watch the video report below…

Paramedics had been originally called to assist a female who had passed out at a holiday party inside. But with the paramedics came the police, looking for trouble “in reference to EMS and Fire needing assistance with a large hostile crowd making threats and not letting them do their jobs.” This is what a responding officer said was his “probable cause” for investigating the party. Clement said he was only recording police making arrests in what he thought was an uncalled for manner. “I saw a police officer push somebody and I’ve always been told if something like that is going on, it’s important to have an objective source of data for what happened,” Clement explained. “So, I pulled my phone out and I started filming.” That’s when a Baton Rouge cop was caught on surveillance video snatching Clement’s phone away. “It got ripped from my hands and as I turned to see who ripped it, another officer slammed me into the railing outside,” Clement continued. That’s when the cop choked him and body slammed him to the ground. “They threw me on the ground and started throwing their knees into me,” he added. Police spokesman Cpl. L’Jean Mckneely said that there is nothing he can really say about the incident, since it is part of an open internal affairs investigation. He did acknowledge to us that it is absolutely legal to record the police making arrests or performing their job in any other public capacity.

HEAR AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES: Vaccination: The Hidden Truth

What happens if you decide not to vaccinate your child?

Every American is expected to understand it: “Get the shots that your doctor recommends or suffer dire consequences. Vaccines are one of the greatest achievements of biomedical science and public health. They are the most important and valuable tool in the history of mankind for reducing infectious disease, and those who fail to obtain them are at an elevated risk for injury, disability, even death.“ Children’s programing on Sesame Street once advised:
“Shots are good
Germs are bad.
Get your shots or
You’ll be sad.”
But many of us who are paying close attention are hearing another (and radically different) story. Accounts of vaccine injury, disability, chronic illness and yes, sadly, deaths that result from placing trust in those same declarations.
Mine is an anecdotal story. It’s one that I believe deserves to be told. I won’t be presenting any studies, graphs, tables, statistics—all of which are within easy reach to anyone wanting to see the available ‘science’ on the much-debated subject of vaccination. The result of Googling the word ‘vaccines’ delivers four million, seven hundred eighty-nine thousand, seven hundred seventy-six sites. During the past 35 years, I’ve read thousands of journal articles, research documents, blogs, websites, news items and many books that are often as confounding as they are informative. So in an effort to keep this as simple as possible, think of it as just another story about an average family doing its best to thrive.
Of the countless decisions parents face today, few are as controversial as the vaccine question, and if not for the rising number of alleged injuries the question would be a virtual no-brainer. Unless (and until) someone is personally touched by a vaccine-gone-wrong, the conventional wisdom prevails. Surely doctors, hospitals, public health officials and medical authorities know best? If vaccines presented a genuine danger, wouldn’t they tell us? Is “immunizing” the same thing as “vaccinating?”
Let’s look at this more closely.
It’s undeniably true that we have not seen polio or smallpox outbreak in America for a very long time. Surely that’s because vaccines “work.” Isn’t it? There are also other things happening that we’ve NEVER seen before—like chronic illness in the childhood population, escalating numbers of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, psychiatric medication for childhood behavioral and learning disorders, childhood allergies, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, unparalleled need for special education facilities…and the list goes on. One would think that with so many ‘life-saving’ vaccines, America would have the healthy child paradigm pretty much sewed up. Right? So what gives?
Maybe the real question could be: What happens if you decide not to vaccinate your child? Public health officials and the mainstream media advise, “don’t risk it.” Doctors warn parents that if they don’t adhere to the schedule, “your child will die.” Collectively, they suggest that despite all the improvements in public sanitation, personal hygiene, availability of nutritious food and accessibility to medical care, we must be evermore vigilant about vaccinating according to this ever-expanding “schedule.” In fact, authorities can (and do) remove children from their homes to administer medical care, including vaccines. And without the necessity of parental consent in extreme cases. But does repeating something often enough and loud enough make it factually true?
I am a member of a four-generation family who has side-stepped the traditional vaccine cover story. Our eldest family member was born in 1916, our youngest in 2005. With very few minor exceptions, we are entirely unvaccinated. The patriarch and matriarch of our family died at the ages of 93 and 84, respectively. The patriarch, my father, was still working in his lifelong career until two weeks before his death. The second generation, (my own) whose formative years ran parallel with the ‘polio era’, are now in our sixty’s, suffer no chronic illness, have no need for prescription drug use, no history of hospitalization or illness-related surgery. I have lived outside the U.S. and visited 18 foreign countries. Unvaccinated, and without incident. The generation of our own children are now also parents of healthy, high-performing unvaccinated children who are scholastic and athletic award-winners who attend both public and private schools with none of the all-too-common maladies of today’s children.


Celebrities speaking out against the Illuminati - MUST WATCH !!

!!!Celebrities speaking out against the Illuminati!!!

Whitney Houston WAS Sacrificed - The Best Evidence for YOU to DECIDE!

REAL OR FAKE?: Government Whistleblower Exposes Hip Hop Conspiracy

MUST WATCH:Man possessed by demon on CCTV (NO DRUGS)




The devil/sasha fierce/beyonce feeds off this: Crazy in Love? Atlanta church worships Beyoncé | Christian News on Christian Today

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT, THE LIGHTS SHUT OFF FOR 34 MINS: Satanism In The Music Industry: Lucifer Shows up at Super Bowl 47- Beyonce EXPOSED



The power failed at 13:28 of the third quarter with the Ravens holding a 28-6 lead

28 + 6 = 34 

The game was eventually re-started after a 34-minute delay, and the Ravens held on for a 34-31 win.
For a 34 lead/min/win, woww!!! 

(The Illuminati numbers 11,13,33,34 The above number 34 is A SYMBOLIC ILLUMINATI NUMBER)

Illuminati Celebrity Satanism Exposed!! 2015 [Full Documentary]


Illuminati Warning 2015: A SCARY Preview Of What's To Come - WATCH NOW!

"EMINEM ADMITS HE IS GAY!!!" Scene From The Interview Illuminati Gay Agenda EXPOSED

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